6 min read

4 Charts Show AI Progress Won't Slow Anytime Soon

“The single most important thing to understand about AI is how fast it is moving" - Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, the creators of chatbot Claude 2.
4 Charts Show AI Progress Won't Slow Anytime Soon

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4 Charts Show AI Progress Won't Slow Anytime Soon

“The single most important thing to understand about AI is how fast it is moving" - Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, the creators of Claude 2.

Can the human mind comprehend such a thing? In their latest feature, TIME attempted to illustrate just how rapid AI is advancing through four must-see charts.

Source: TIME

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words. And in this case, it's almost impossible to grasp AI's rate of progress without seeing it.

Take the first artificial neural network, Perceptron Mark I. Developed in 1957, it could learn to tell whether a card was marked on the left side or the right. Training Mark I required around 700,000 operations. More than 70 years later, OpenAI released the large language model GPT-4 and it required an estimated 21 septillion operations.

Try to imagine a septillion of anything. You can't. It's too big. It's like trying to picture every star in the universe.

But as mind-boggling as that is, TIME's four must-see charts come to an even more staggering conclusion: AI is not slowing down anytime soon.

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Bias, AI, & Elon Musk: An Unlikely Love Triangle?

Elon Musk announced he's launching an artificial intelligence company called xAI. One that he says will be "truth seeking" and not always "politically correct." A bold mission, but can it really avoid bias?

AI's been caught stumbling so far, like when ChatGPT gave outdated answers on leadership, an AI thought non-native English speakers plagiarized essays, and when one photo editing app defaulted to Caucasian attributes.

Right now, popular chatbots come with different guard rails. Some say ChatGPT plays it safe and restricts answers, while Claude 2 is more independent. But is unfiltered AI better? A perfect, bias-free AI might be impossible altogether. Musk's xAI is trying to get it right.

But we need to have realistic expectations. AI reflects both the good and bad in people. Still, Musk might get us closer to AI that better understands diverse humans. His moonshot idea could lead to more accurate technology.

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Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: “As a copywriter, what are the first things I should use AI for to save time and money? What's the low hanging fruit?"

Our Answer: Use chatbots like ChatGPT as your own personal copy chief and a second set of 'eyes' for your copy. A few basic use cases are to ask ChatGPT to double check your work for correct spelling and grammar...or to assure you're writing at a 7th grade reading level to optimize readability.

Now, it takes a lot of practice and time for great copy to become second nature. But if you tell and show ChatGPT what great copy looks like...it can tell you if you're following these time-tested principles. This includes everything from copy structure to using persuasive language. In fact, we'll show you can use AI as your own personal copy chief...

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This week's prompt is an easy way to copy chief your headlines with AI. Based on Stefan Georgi's own checklist of essential headline elements, this prompt will tell you if your headline is up to par or falling short. Remember, a copy chief is there to review your work, not rewrite the entire piece. Use this prompt to see where your headline stands, and then adjust accordingly.

Hi Chat, today you’re an expert copywriter who is going to copy chief a headline for a sales letter I’m writing. The primary purpose of a headline is to grab the reader's attention and entice them to read further. Below I’ve provided a checklist of five crucial elements an effective headline should have:

(1) Proof and credibility (Harvard, Fox News, Warren Buffet, # of customers, # of studies)

(2) Specific Benefits (set up your first funnel, drop 8 lbs in two weeks, make $300 in a weekend)

(3) Curiosity (Amazon jungle blood pressure secret, Forbidden Fruit, secret IRS loophole, aging in reverse)

(4) Story (Why did Fox News rush to get this Doctor on TV?)

(5) Some type of juxtaposition (think you can only get $1200 a month from SS? Wrong? Here’s how you can get $1700 a month)

Now, please check my headline for these elements:

<insert your headline>

Tool to Try

Runway - A suite of AI art generation tools, Runway offers over 30 cutting-edge ways to bring your creations to life. The image generation and editing features are top notch, with capabilities like expanding an image by generating outside the original canvas...giving a photo infinite backgrounds...and erasing any part of an image with such accuracy you can't tell it was edited.

But the real magic of Runway is the AI video tools. Runway allows you to create videos from simple text prompts. Creators are having a field day with it, especially using it to create faux movie trailers. In fact, last week we featured a movie trailer for a fake movie called "Genesis" in this newsletter. After only two weeks, the trailer has over 1.6 million views on X (formerly Twitter).

Here's what it took Nicolas Neubert to create the 48-second long video:

~7 hours
316 prompts generated in Midjourney
128 images upscaled in Midjourney
310 videos generated in Runway
1 video was generated with text
44 videos were used in the trailer

In a follow-up X post, Nicolas revealed the exact steps he took to use Runway and other AI tools to create the dystopian trailer. From the beginning storyboard, prompts used, Runway settings, video editing tips, and the specific costs of each tool - this is one of the best breakdowns of AI artist's creative process we've seen.

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In the News

This Audio Startup Is Using AI To Generate ‘Contextual CTV Ads’

Call it the lovechild of dynamic creative optimization and contextual
advertising. On Thursday, audio marketing platform Instreamatic released a product for connected TV that generates multiple audio variations for the same creative.

The visuals stay the same, but Instreamatic uses AI to swap in different details for the voiceover. Details like naming the specific streaming service and/or TV show a viewer is watching or mentioning specific promo codes, products or deals at certain store locations.

An example could sound like this: “We know you want to get back to watching ‘Friends’ on Max. But first, why don’t you check out this discount for Patty’s Pizza on First Street?”

The idea is to produce hundreds or even thousands of personalized versions of the same CTV ad in seconds.

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Google Hungers for More Data to Train Its AI—But At What Cost?

Google is making clear it intends to feast on the content of web publishers to advance its artificial intelligence systems. The tech and search giant is proposing that companies must opt out—as they currently do for search engine indexing—if they don't want their material scraped.

Google's plan was revealed in its submission to the Australian government's consultation on regulating high-risk AI applications. While Australia has been considering banning certain problematic uses of AI like disinformation and discrimination, Google argues that AI developers need broad access to data.

Google told Australian policymakers that "copyright law should enable appropriate and fair use of copyrighted content" for AI training. The company pointed to its standardized content crawler called robots.txt, which lets publishers specify sections of their sites closed to web crawlers.

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Mind Fodder

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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

p.s. Need A-List copy delivered at unprecedented speed? Three of the world's top copywriters have joined forces and are using the power of GPT-4 to write high-converting ads, emails, and VSL's.

Discover how you and your business can leverage them at https://www.calabs.ai/ or email Stefan directly at stefan@calabs.ai.