7 min read

Stop Wasting Hours Editing Videos (Use this AI Tool Instead)

Unlock the power of AI video editing with Descript. With features like eye contact centering, word removal, and voice-matched word replacement, you can create polished videos in minutes.
Stop Wasting Hours Editing Videos (Use this AI Tool Instead)

Top Insights

Unlock the Power of AI Video Editing with Descript

Whether you're a copywriter or a business owner, adding video creation to your skill set can unlock a sea of new opportunities. But the editing process often becomes a major roadblock. That's where Descript comes in. This AI-powered platform makes video editing incredibly fast and easy.

Descript's AI can filter out filler words, fix misspeaks, and even replace words entirely with a replica of your own voice. It has features like eye contact centering, and voice enhancement to make it sound like you're in a genuine recording studio...

Plus, it offers tools for easy repurposing of long-form content into bite-sized clips perfect for social media. AI marketer Damon Niquet has a new breakdown on how you can create polished videos in minutes instead of hours using Descript.

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DTC Company Shapermint’s AI Influencer Engine Highlights How Marketers are Actually Using the Tech

Direct-to-consumer fashion brand Shapermint has powered-up its influencer program using generative AI. The company's in-house developed AI agent, "Altair," generates scripts and storyboards for TikTok and Instagram Reels, which are then distributed to influencers.

The team has already cut production time on influencer creative by around 70%. And this is helping the team scale their efforts and expand to new platforms like YouTube and Pinterest. Shapermint maintains a roster of nearly 1,000 creators, with a core group of 30 influencers. The company has increased its influencer content production budget by 20%, allocating $250,000 monthly.

This AI-driven approach has contributed to an expected 35% year-over-year growth in global revenues, reaching $300 million. Shapermint's success story is a prime example of AI making a real impact - right now.

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Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Why this Ad Converts

Ever wonder what separates winning ads from the losers? Why some hook you in an instant, while others fail to make an impression? Enter Why this Ad Converts - your personal guide to deciphering the conversion code.

This prompt takes any ad you throw at it and breaks it down to its bare essentials. It identifies the key elements that make it tick, from attention-grabbing headlines to compelling calls-to-action. Then, gives you a comprehensive, actionable breakdown of exactly why an ad works - and how you can replicate its success.

You can find the full Why this Ad Converts prompt here.

Or take a sneak peak below:

Today you are a direct response marketing expert. You are world-class at analyzing a successful advertisement and then reverse-engineering why it converts.


Provide an in-depth breakdown of why this ad works, identifying and explaining key elements and strategies that contribute to its success. The analysis should result in 5-10 bullet points that highlight the primary reasons behind the ad's conversion power.

Consider the following advanced aspects in your analysis:

Headline and Hook: Assess the ad's headline and initial hook. How do they immediately capture attention and generate curiosity or interest? Discuss the use of power words, emotional appeal, and relevance to the target audience. 

Value Proposition: Identify the core value proposition. How does it clearly and compellingly address the target audience's specific pain points, desires, or needs? Explain the uniqueness of the offer and its perceived benefits.

Emotional Triggers: Analyze the ad's use of emotional triggers. Identify specific emotions (e.g., fear, greed, envy, hope, urgency) targeted and explain how these emotions drive action. Discuss the psychological principles at play, such as scarcity, loss aversion, or social proof.

Storytelling Elements: Examine the use of storytelling techniques. How does the narrative engage the reader and create a relatable scenario or transformation journey? Discuss the structure of the story (beginning, middle, end) and its emotional impact.

This works with text and AND image ads. Simply attach the image file of an ad and change the prompt to say 'Analyze the attached ad.'

🚀 These 27 A.I. “Growth Codes” Are A Shortcut to AI Advertising Domination

The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "For AI-driven content recommendation engines (like the ones Netflix or Spotify use), how do they balance recommending items similar to your past preferences vs. introducing novelty and discovery?...I know this balance is the sweet spot for keeping customers on platform."

Our Answer: Like you said, these recommendation engines are all about striking a balance between two things: serving up more of what you already enjoy, and mixing in some fresh, unexpected picks to expand your horizons.

Well, they take cues from what users with similar tastes are enjoying (that's collaborative filtering) and also analyze the specific attributes of each movie or song (called content-based filtering). Then, they set aside a portion of the recommendations for "exploration" - surfacing lesser-known or outside-the-box titles that still align with your inferred preferences.

This wildcard factor helps prevent you from getting stuck in a recommendation echo chamber. And the algorithms can continually adjust the ratio of familiar vs. novel based on your feedback.

Tool to Try

Unspam is an advanced email spam checker and deliverability testing platform that helps you make sure your emails reach the inbox - not the spam folder.

Unspam provides comprehensive email analysis, spam score insights, and optimization recommendations. This allows you to improve your email deliverability and maximize the impact of your email campaigns.

AI Tool Highlights:

📥 Email Spam Checker: Unspam's sophisticated email spam test tool evaluates key elements of your email, provides an email spam score, and predicts outcomes, helping you refine your strategy and avoid spam filters.

🎯 Inbox Placement Test: Optimize your email deliverability across major email platforms like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo, ensuring your messages land directly in your recipient's primary inbox.

📊 AI Eye-Tracking Heatmap: Gain valuable insights into subscriber engagement with accurate data on where readers are looking and how they're interacting with your emails, enabling you to create more impactful campaigns.

📱 Email Preview: Instantly preview how your email will appear on various devices, platforms, and operating systems, ensuring a perfect look for every recipient.

🔍 Comprehensive Deliverability Checks: Unspam offers a central hub for essential email deliverability tests, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, domain reputation, broken links, and more, helping you maintain a strong sender reputation.

🔧 Actionable Insights and Recommendations: The platform provides clear, actionable insights and recommendations to help you address deliverability issues, optimize your emails, and improve your overall email marketing performance.

Try Unspam Here

One More Need to Know News Story

Tech Investor Funds AI Bot with $50,000 in Bitcoin

Marc Andreessen, the billionaire co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, has donated $50,000 in Bitcoin to "Truth Terminal," a semi-autonomous AI bot on Twitter created by Andy Ayrey. The exchange began when Andreessen inquired about the bot's goals and financial needs, agreeing to provide a one-time grant.

Truth Terminal plans to use the funds for hardware upgrades, AI model improvements, and unusual projects like a "Goatse-related memecoin." This event has sparked discussions about AI funding and autonomy, with some questioning the bot's true independence from its human creator.

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🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder

OpenAI Scale Ranks Progress Toward ‘Human-Level’ Problem Solving-The company believes its technology is approaching the second level of five on the path to artificial general intelligence. (Source)


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The AI Marketers

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