6 min read

AI & Apps Ignite Facebook Ads Revival

A seismic shift in digital marketing - app and gaming communities have become advertiser magnets, generating a staggering $35 billion in Q1 2024.
AI & Apps Ignite Facebook Ads Revival

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AI & Apps Ignite Facebook Ads Revival

Meta's EMEA Summit unveiled a huge shift in digital marketing - app and gaming communities have become advertiser magnets, generating a staggering $35 billion in Q1 of 2024. These communities are highly engaged, social, and eager to share their experiences. It's like having a built-in network of influencers ready to promote your brand.

However, the real star of the show was Meta Advantage – the AI-powered tool that optimizes campaigns and delivers personalized ads with better precision.

Meta says it's slashing cost-per-acquisition by 26% across the board. Plus, new measurement capabilities that have also driven a 9.5% conversion increase and 20% more measurable conversions.

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In the AI Era, Data is Gold. And These Companies are Striking it Rich

According to an Amazon Web Services report, companies harnessing data analytics are crushing it with AI adoption and getting a massive edge over their competition.

Pinecone's vector databases transform data into AI-friendly formats for lightning-fast search and spot-on recommendations. Altana uses AI to clean up data from multiple languages and sources while maintaining customer confidentiality.

Mailchimp's AI predicts the most effective marketing strategies for small businesses, becoming smarter with each data point. Intuit's GenOS platform streamlines the creation of clean, AI-ready datasets, enabling faster and more efficient machine learning.

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Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Sensory Stimulator

This prompt allows you to explore your offer from the perspective of all five senses. It isn't about crafting ready-to-use copy like usual. Instead, Sensory Stimulator is a powerful tool for generating inspiration and uncovering the hidden depths and nuances of your product.

By delving into visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory aspects, you'll discover a treasure trove of new ways to describe your offer. Ways that resonate with your target audience on a deeper level than ever before.

You can find the full "Sensory Stimulator" prompt here.

Or take sneak peak below:

Today you are an expert sensory analyst translating product experiences into rich, evocative language.


 Generate vivid, multi-sensory descriptions of a product or service for someone who cannot see, hear, or touch it. Use metaphors and analogies to evoke imagination and emotion.


How it Works:
Major Benefits:
Target Audience: 
Further Information:

*attach a picture of your product if possible.


1. Product/Service Analysis:

- Examine key features, benefits, and unique selling points.
- Consider intended use, target audience, and brand identity.

2. Sensory Breakdown:

Analyze through all five senses:
a. Visual: Colors, shapes, textures, appearance.
b. Auditory: Associated sounds.
c. Tactile: Textures, temperature, physical sensations.
d. Olfactory: Scents or aromas.
e. Gustatory: Flavors and taste experiences (if applicable).

3. Emotional Resonance:

- Identify primary emotions evoked. 
- Consider psychological impact and aspirational aspects.

🚀 These 27 A.I. “Growth Codes” Are A Shortcut to AI Advertising Domination

The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "In LinkedIn's AI-powered job matching system, what particular elements of a user's profile are given the most weight? How much does the algorithm consider factors like skills endorsements versus job history?" 

Our Answer: The exact algorithm is a bit of a mystery. But it likely places more weight on your skills, endorsements, and job titles. Skills directly relate to job requirements, so having many endorsements for relevant skills is a strong signal.

LinkedIn's own research shows that users with 5+ skills get 17 times more profile views. Job titles and descriptions are also critical, as the AI can extract key information about your responsibilities and match them to job postings.

Tenure and career progression are somewhat important too, as they indicate your ability to succeed and advance in roles over time. Education matters less than skills and experience in most cases, except for entry-level jobs or academia.

Tool to Try

Reply Hub is a powerful AI-driven platform that helps businesses find and engage with thousands of potential customers on social media. These are folks who are actively seeking products or services similar to what you offer. By leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms, Reply Hub scans through millions of social media posts, comments, and conversations. Then identifies high-quality leads and opportunities for targeted outreach.

AI Tool Highlights:

🎯 Laser-Focused Lead Generation: Reply Hub's AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of social media data to pinpoint users who have expressed a genuine interest in products or services related to your business, ensuring you connect with the right audience.

🔍 Advanced Keyword Filtering: Customize your search criteria with specific keywords, hashtags, and phrases to narrow down your target audience and find the most relevant leads for your brand.

📊 Detailed Insights and Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your target audience's demographics, interests, and behavior through comprehensive analytics, empowering you to refine your marketing strategies and improve conversions.

💬 Seamless Social Media Integration: Reply Hub seamlessly integrates with major social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, allowing you to engage with potential customers directly from the platform.

🤖 AI-Assisted Conversation Starters: The tool provides AI-generated conversation starters and templates, helping you initiate meaningful interactions with your leads and build strong relationships.

⏰ Time-Saving Automation: Streamline your social media outreach efforts with Reply Hub's automation features, including scheduled replies, follow-ups, and multi-channel campaigns, saving you time and resources while maximizing your reach.

Try Reply Hub

One More Need to Know News Story

WhatsApp is Developing a Personalized AI Avatar Generator

Whatsapp appears to be working on a new generative AI feature that should allow users to make personalized avatars of themselves for use in any imagined setting. The in-development feature, spotted in the new WhatsApp Beta for Android by WABetaInfo, will seemingly use a combination of user-supplied images, text prompts, and Meta’s AI Llama model to generate the images.

A screenshot shared by WABetaInfo says that users can imagine themselves “in any setting from the forest to outer space.” The examples look fairly typical for those produced by AI generators, particularly if you’ve used apps like Lensa AI or Snapchat’s “Dreams” selfie feature.

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🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder

"After working with LLMs for 2 years, I’ve noticed that humans have very different short-term context windows too. Humans with small-to-mid sized context windows develop deep “breakdown” strategies early in life to deal with virtually everything.

Ways of breaking down complex problems into smaller steps that can be chained. Their brains contain an enormous recipe book of these multistep breakdown strategies. Humans with very large context windows operate off raw intuition for a lot of life. They did not develop many of these multi-step prompting strategies as a child, and the idea of “processifying” work or breaking it down into smaller steps is *extremely* puzzling—feeling like it will only slow them down and confuse things.

Both types of people have their strengths and weaknesses, neither is “better”. But man, we do not understand eachother, and how different our ways of interacting with the world are."

Scott Stevenson – Founder of Spellbook Legal 


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The AI Marketers

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