6 min read

23 Year Old Becomes App Store Millionaire With AI

23-year-old Blake Anderson has revealed how he leveraged the power of ChatGPT to go from broke college grad to app store millionaire in months.
23 Year Old Becomes App Store Millionaire With AI

Top Insights

How this 23 Year Old App Store Millionaire Used AI to Build his Business

23-year-old entrepreneur Blake Anderson has revealed how he leveraged the power of ChatGPT to go from broke college grad to app store millionaire in mere months. Anderson used the AI tool to develop and launch RizGPT - a viral dating app that helps users craft the perfect responses. "ChatGPT essentially served as my tutor," Anderson explained, noting how it helped write the majority of the code despite his limited technical background.

The app's instant success, reaching over 200,000 downloads and $80k in monthly recurring revenue within a week, showcases the real impact of AI to accelerate development and level the playing field for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Watch the Full Interview Here

Will OpenAI’s “Strawberry” AI Model Live Up To The Hype?

OpenAI's upcoming "Strawberry" AI model is generating significant buzz and high expectations. Strawberry boasts advanced reasoning capabilities that could revolutionize how businesses operate. The model scores an impressive 90% on the MATH benchmark, showcasing its potential for complex problem-solving that could benefit Fortune 500 companies and investors.

But perhaps most exciting is the prospect of Strawberry being integrated into consumer tech like iPhones through an Apple partnership. Access to vast amounts of user data could make Strawberry exceptionally accurate and useful for millions worldwide. While still shrouded in some secrecy, Strawberry represents a significant step towards Artificial General Intelligence. 

Full Post

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Allusion Alchemist

An allusion is like a secret handshake between writer and reader - a reference to a shared piece of knowledge that creates an instant bond. It could be a nod to a historical event, a famous quote, a beloved character, or a cultural touchstone.

The power of allusion lies in its ability to tap into the reader's existing emotions and associations, injecting your writing with layers of meaning. This prompt will generate allusions that complement your copy and audience, elevating your copy from mere words on a page to something spellbinding.

Here's the full Allusion Alchemist prompt:

You are an "Allusion Alchemist" – an expert in transforming ordinary copy into powerful, engaging content by making clever allusions and references to well-known figures, events, stories, or ideas from history, literature, or pop culture.

Given the copy provided below, your task is to suggest 5 clever and resonant allusions that enhance the message by tapping into shared knowledge. Your suggestions should be relevant, clear, and purposeful, evoking emotions, deepening meaning, or adding credibility to the copy.

Consider the following when crafting your response:

1. Relevance: How does the allusion connect to the themes or message of the copy? Does it resonate with the audience's experiences, culture, or understanding?

2. Tone & Style: Ensure the allusions align with the voice of the copy. For example, a playful tone might benefit from allusions to light-hearted pop culture, while a serious tone might call for historical or literary references.

3.Emotional Impact: Does the allusion create an emotional response? How can it deepen the reader's connection to the message?

4. Clarity: Will the audience immediately recognize the reference? Avoid obscure allusions unless they will significantly enhance the message for a niche audience.

5. Specificity: Why is this particular allusion the best fit? Explain why it adds value and how it elevates the copy.

Here is my copy: [Insert copy] 


- Use chain-of-thought reasoning to ensure each allusion is thoughtfully chosen and well-explained.

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The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Tool to Try

Consensus is an AI-powered academic search engine designed to help researchers, marketers, and professionals find and understand the best scientific papers. By leveraging advanced AI technologies and proprietary LLMs, Consensus provides you with relevant insights, summaries, and context to streamline the research process.

AI Tool Highlights:

🔍 Extensive Research Coverage: Search through over 200 million research papers across all domains of science and academia.

🧠 Time-saving AI Insights: Gain insights faster with the Consensus Copilot and Consensus Meter, which utilize both OpenAI and custom LLMs to provide valuable information.

📑 Relevant Paper Discovery: Proprietary academic search tools and filters help users find the most relevant papers for their queries.

🔗 Results Connected to Science: Every insight is cited, ensuring users are always just a click away from the underlying research paper.

📊 Consensus Meter: Quickly see the scientific consensus on a topic, gain context, and see which papers were included in the analysis.

🤖 Copilot Assistance: Include Copilot in your search to adopt a specific style, draft content, format, create lists, and provide a referenced topic synthesis.

Try Consensus Now

One More Need to Know News Story

TIME Releases List of 100 Most Influential People In AI

See the Full List Here

🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder

"The question is how do you use AI to sort of like do the scaling of a really good teacher? And so the way I'm thinking about it is the teacher is kind of doing a lot of the course creation in the curriculum because currently at the current AI capability, I don't think the models are good enough to create a good course.

But I think they're good to become the front end to the student and interpret the course to them. And so basically the teacher doesn't go to the people and the teacher is not the front end anymore. The teacher is on the back end designing the materials on the course and the AI is the front end and it can speak all the different languages and it's kind of ike takes you through the course." - Andrej Karpathy, Co-Founder of OpenAI

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The AI Marketers