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What to Know About the New ChatGPT 'Strawberry'

Officially known as OpenAI-o1, this model introduces a groundbreaking approach to problem-solving. Here are five important things to know about it.
What to Know About the New ChatGPT 'Strawberry'

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OpenAI Drops New ChatGPT Model Formally Code-Named 'Strawberry'

Officially known as OpenAI-o1, this model introduces a groundbreaking approach to problem-solving. Here are five important things to know about it:

1) Improved Problem-Solving Skills: OpenAI-o1 is designed to solve complex problems step-by-step, similar to how humans approach difficult tasks. It improves over time as it breaks problems into smaller parts, making it more effective in areas like coding and math.

The new model solved 83% of problems in a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad. That's compared to GPT-4o's mere 13%.

2) Accuracy Over Speed: OpenAI-o1 is built for precision but may take longer to respond compared to other models. It weighs multiple strategies before providing the best answer, ensuring a higher success rate for complex issues.

3) Best for Niche, Precision-Driven Fields: The model excels in industries like finance, data analytics, and science, where logical reasoning is critical. OpenAI-o1 isn't meant to replace GPT-4o but rather to complement it. You can choose which model to use based on the task—GPT-4o for speed and everyday tasks, and OpenAI-o1 for deep reasoning and strategic challenges.

4) Step-by-Step Logic: OpenAI-o1 uses a method called "chain-of-thought" reasoning to break problems into smaller, logical steps. This helps it produce more accurate answers and reduces the risk of generating false information (AI hallucinations). This is something that you previosly had to include in your prompts manually.

5) OpenAI is Making o1 Available in Stages - First to ChatGPT Plus and Teams users, then to educational and enterprise customers next week. However, access will be rate limited initially (30 messages per week for o1-preview, 50 for o1-mini focused on coding). Businesses should plan their pilots of o1 accordingly and provide feedback to OpenAI to inform future development.

Read OpenAI's Official Release Here

Anthropic's Prompt Engineering Experts Reveal their Secrets

In a fascinating look behind the scenes, Anthropic's prompt engineering experts (the makers of Claude) revealed the secrets to getting the most out of AI chatbots. The roundtable discussion emphasized the importance of clear communication, iterative experimentation, and anticipating edge cases when crafting prompts.

They say creating prompts like code, with version control and careful tracking of experiments, is key. The experts also stressed the critical skill of distilling tasks down to their essential components that a model can understand, without relying on human assumptions. An openness to engaging in back-and-forth dialog with AI models to diagnose errors and refine instructions was another recurring theme.

Watch the Full Video

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Language Mirror

Want to speak your audience's language like a native? The Language Mirror prompt is your secret weapon. It generates a comprehensive list of 25 terms and phrases that resonate with your target audience - encapsulating their unique vocabulary, slang, idioms, and cultural references.

By diving deep into your audience's demographics, psychographics, cultural context, and media influences, this prompt uncovers the linguistic nuances that connect. From tech jargon to lifestyle lingo, you'll get a diverse mix of terms that reflect your audience's shared experiences and values. Each term comes with a clear definition and contextual usage - highlighting any double meanings or humor.

You can find the full Language Mirror prompt here

Or take sneak peak below:

Your Task:

Develop a comprehensive list of 25 terms or phrases that are uniquely significant to this specified target audience: [Insert a detailed description of your target audience here.]

These terms should encapsulate the group’s specific language patterns, including vocabulary, jargon, slang, idioms, colloquialisms, and cultural references. The goal is to mirror the linguistic nuances that resonate deeply with this audience to enhance communication strategies.


Audience Analysis: 

-- Demographics & Psychographics: Consider the age, gender, location, education, occupation, interests, values, and lifestyle of the target audience.

-- Cultural & Social Context: Reflect on cultural backgrounds, regional dialects, social trends, and historical events that influence their language use.

-- Media & Influences: Take into account the media they consume (e.g., social media platforms, TV shows, music) and influencers or public figures they follow.

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Tool to Try

Flot.ai is an innovative AI-powered platform that revolutionizes the way you write, read, and memorize information. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities and intuitive interface, Flot AI becomes your personal AI assistant, enhancing your productivity and learning experience. Whether you're a student, professional, or lifelong learner, Flot AI adapts to your needs and helps you unlock your full potential.

AI Tool Highlights:

✍️ AI-Assisted Writing: Flot AI's intelligent writing assistant helps you craft compelling and error-free content by providing real-time suggestions, grammar corrections, and style improvements, elevating your writing skills to new heights.

📚 Smart Reading Companion: Transform your reading experience with Flot AI's smart reading companion, which summarizes key points, generates questions, and offers personalized recommendations based on your reading preferences and goals.

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Try Flot.ai

One More Need to Know News Story

Anthropic Edges Further into Business AI Market with Launch of ‘Workspaces’

AI startup Anthropic has just unveiled a new feature for businesses using their generative AI. Dubbed 'Workspaces', this tool provides enterprises with enhanced control and management capabilities for deploying Anthropic's AI products. With Workspaces, companies can now set custom spend limits, adjust rate limits for different departments, and streamline user access controls - all within unique environments tailored to their needs.

Source: Anthropic

The Anthropic team touts Workspaces as a solution for improved account security, resource organization, and cost optimization. By allowing businesses to monitor and adjust usage across projects, Anthropic aims to solidify its position in the exploding enterprise AI market. The feature is already live and accessible to all Anthropic API users through their console.

Full Story

🚀 Shortcut your way to AI mastery with these 27 proven 'AI Growth Codes' - No tech skills required whatsoever

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