7 min read

How to Create Endless Short Form Video Content With AI

Short form video is maybe the biggest lever on social media - YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and more. But creating this bite-sized, engaging video content at scale is a massive challenge. Until now.
How to Create Endless Short Form Video Content With AI

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How to Create Endless Short Form Video Content With AI

Short form video is maybe the biggest lever on social media - YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and more. But creating this bite-sized, engaging video content at scale is a massive challenge. Until now. AI marketer Damon Niquet's latest post shows you how to produce unlimited amounts of personal, on-brand video to supercharge your social media presence.

With this game-changing AI video workflow, you'll create a custom GPT model to script unlimited video ideas in your authentic voice and style. Then bring those scripts to life as slick, professional videos starring your very own realistic AI avatar - powered by cutting-edge systems like Heygen for lip-synced video generation and ElevenLabs for stunningly lifelike voice cloning.

Access the Full Workflow

How 'Neuro AI' is Revolutionizing Brand Building 

For too long, brands have been flying blind. Relying on flawed focus groups and self-reported surveys to understand their customers. Because human bias causes people to censor their true thoughts and emotions. The new field of Neuro AI finally allows you to bypass these limits. 

By combining cutting-edge neuroscience tools like EEG brain scans and biometric eye tracking with powerful machine learning... Neuro AI analyzes your customer's subconscious. It reveals how they respond to your products, branding, packaging, and marketing - at the psychological level. Titans like BMW are already using Neuro AI to design less distracting driver interfaces. CPG giants like Unilever rely on it to spark max emotional impact from packaging. 

Big or small, your brand can't afford to ignore Neuro AI.

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Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: The 4 U's Test

Legendary copywriters Mark Ford and Bill Bonner came up with four ways to make your headlines stand head and shoulders above those of your competitors – what they call "The Secret of the 4 U's."

Urgency: Does the headline create a compelling reason to care right now?
Uniqueness: How does it stand out? Is it new?
Ultra-specificity: Is your headline specific and detailed?
Usefulness: What benefit does it offer the reader?

This week's prompt puts your headline to the test against the 4 U's. Enter your headline and instantly discover if it meets all four criteria—and identify areas for improvement. 

You can find the full prompt here.

Take a sneak peak below:

Today you are a world-class direct response copywriter and master copy chief. 

The 4 U's method is a powerful test for making sure your headlines grab attention and get the prospect to read your sales letter. 

Here's a quick breakdown:

Urgency: Does the headline create a compelling reason to care right now?
Uniqueness: How does it stand out? Is it new?
Ultra-specificity: Is your headline specific and detailed? 
Usefulness: What benefit does it offer the reader?

Here are some examples of some world-class headlines that pass all four U’s.

Example #1:

Mankind’s Greatest Medical Mystery Solved:
Cholesterol’s Evil Twin

Cholesterol’s Evil Twin

Why 438,000 of all heart victims die with HEALTHY arteries…and the astonishing new discovery that could help cut your risk in half.

🚀 These 27 A.I. “Growth Codes” Are A Shortcut to AI Advertising Domination

The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "Why do chatbots get WORSE? I've noticed with GPT-4 and now even Claude 3 Opus, their responses aren't as good as they were at first."

Our Answer: There are three main reasons. First up, there's something called distillation. The large language models that power chatbots start off with training on a massive dataset. But as they process more and more queries, their knowledge can slowly get 'distilled' or diluted in certain areas. They start overfitting to the recent data they see, while older training data fades from memory.

Then you've got data drift to worry about as well. The training data they were originally built on becomes stale and outdated. Without fresh data, my knowledge becomes misaligned from current events, trends, scientific discoveries, and so on.

Another issue is negative feedback loops. If they start making mistakes or giving low-quality responses, that crappy data gets fed back into it by users. This reinforces flaws and causes the chatbot to spiral downwards. It's like a negative cycle of AI failure breeding more AI failure.

Tool to Try

Insight7 is an AI-powered platform that automates the analysis of interviews and conversations at scale. With Insight7 you can uncover valuable insights that drive data-driven decisions. Plus, extract themes, sentiments, and trends from large volumes of video, audio, or text interviews, to accelerate your research.

AI Tool Highlights:

🔍 Bulk Upload & Analyze: Upload and analyze multiple interview recordings, transcripts, or URLs in bulk, streamlining the process of gathering insights from extensive data sets.

🧠 AI-Driven Insights: Leverage advanced AI algorithms to automatically extract key themes, sentiments, and trends from conversations, providing accurate and actionable insights without manual effort.

📊 Customizable Insight Categories: Tailor the analysis to your specific project goals and metrics by configuring custom insight categories and taxonomies, ensuring alignment with your unique requirements.

🔁 Conversation Insights: Record, transcribe, and analyze interviews in real-time, whether video, audio, or text-based, enabling you to capture insights as conversations unfold.

📈 Data Visualization & Reporting: Generate powerful visualizations and reports to communicate insights effectively, facilitate stakeholder buy-in, and drive informed decision-making.

🔌 Seamless Integrations: Integrate Insight7 with your existing tech stack and workflows through flexible APIs, enabling real-time analysis and automation of insight delivery across your tools and platforms.

Try Insight7

One More Need to Know News Story

Microsoft Unveils VASA-1, an Image-to-Video AI Model That Generates Eerily Realistic Results

Microsoft has introduced a new AI model that can generate hyper-realistic videos of talking human faces. Dubbed VASA-1, the AI image-to-video model can generate videos from just one photo and a speech audio clip.

The company says the created videos will have synchronised lip movements to match the audio as well as facial expressions and head movement to make it appear natural.

Notably, the tech giant does not intend to release a product or API with the VASA-1 model and claims that it will be used to create realistic virtual characters.

Full Story

🚀 Access the 27 PROVEN A.I. “Growth Codes” Our Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Agency Uses To Write A-List Copy In Record Time

Mind Fodder

"I think what's important in training AI and growing an AI is to make sure that it is as truthful as possible and maximally curious, because I think if that's true then I think it'll probably foster humanity. But it's very important that it trains to be honest even if that truth is unpopular. 

Like I have what I call perhaps the Galileo test.

So when Galileo built a telescope and looked at the moons of Jupiter and said he thinks probably the Earth revolves around the Sun, he was branded a heretic and was forced to recant or be executed. 

And if you trained an AI at the time, it would have said that the Sun revolves around the Earth because that's what everybody thought. And even if it concluded that that's actually not true, if it was concerned about the truth, it wouldn't actually say the truth. So it needs to say the truth and know the truth even if the truth is unpopular."

- Elon Musk


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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