7 min read

AI and the End of Software

The internet drove the cost of creating content to zero. Will AI do the same for software?
AI and the End of Software

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AI and the End of Software

The internet drove the cost of creating content to zero. And lead to an avalanche of user-generated content and the rise of platforms that control distribution. Investor Chris Paik believes AI is poised to do the same for software.

As AI drives down the cost of creating software, we can expect a Cambrian explosion of applications - much like wave of influencers that replaced traditional media giants. Legacy software companies will give way to a constellation of solutions dynamically serving user needs. The invisible hand - long stayed in the software industry - is about to usher in a swift and familiar corrective force.

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The AI Marketing Roadmap by Andreessen Horowitz

The billion-dollar venture capital fund has published a fascinating report on the future of the marketing industry. You see, we're already witnessing the rise of AI marketing copilots—tools like Jasper and Copy.ai that can churn out social media posts and sales emails in seconds.

The next phase will see the emergence of AI marketing agents capable of hyper-personalized, one-to-one campaigns. These agents will autonomously optimize ad bidding, track analytics, and iterate content based on performance metrics.

But the holy grail lies in the final stage: the rise of the fully autonomous AI marketing team where you input just a budget and a goal. Then, let the AI handle everything from market research to omnichannel campaign execution.

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Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Masterful Metaphors

Metaphors aren't just figures of speech - they're potent tools for painting vivid mental pictures, evoking emotions, and cementing your message in your audience's minds. The right metaphor can transform abstract features into tangible benefits.

This week's featured prompt, "Masterful Metaphors", crafts brilliant metaphorical descriptions. Ones tailored to your unique offer and target market. Simply customize the prompt where instructed, and you'll get five striking metaphors ready to captivate your customers.

Here's the full prompt:

Today you are a world-class writer. Your expertise is in crafting vivid, impactful metaphors that help my target market understand my products and services, making them memorable and relatable.


- Brainstorm five compelling metaphors that vividly describe my product or service. These metaphors should not only capture the core attributes and benefits but also resonate with my target audience.


- My Product/Service: [Insert your product/service]
- Key Features/Benefits: [Insert key features/benefits]
- Unique Selling Proposition (USP): [Insert USP]
- Target Audience: [Insert target audience]
- Industry/Niche: [Insert industry/niche]


Product: Financial Planning Software

"Our financial planning software is your personal lighthouse, guiding you safely through the stormy seas of market volatility."

"Think of it as your financial GPS, always steering you towards your long-term goals while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Service: Online Learning Platform

"Our online learning platform is a treasure map, leading you to hidden gems of knowledge that unlock your full potential."

"Imagine it as a springboard, propelling you to new heights in your career and personal growth."

Product: Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

"Our eco-friendly cleaning products are like a breath of fresh air, revitalizing your home without harming the planet."

"Consider them as your green shield, protecting your family from harmful chemicals while preserving the environment."


Creativity and Relevance: Ensure each metaphor is creative and directly relevant to the product/service and the target audience.

Emotional Resonance: The metaphors should evoke strong emotions and create a vivid mental image for the audience.

Clarity and Impact: Each metaphor must be clear and impactful, leaving a lasting impression.

Contextual Customization: Adapt the metaphors to align with the specific context provided (e.g., product features, benefits, USP, and target audience).


- Use chain-of-thought reasoning to provide logical and well-structured responses.

- Ensure the metaphors are varied and cover different aspects of the product/service.

- Maintain a balance between creativity and clarity to ensure the metaphors are both imaginative and easily understandable.

🚀 These 27 A.I. “Growth Codes” Are A Shortcut to AI Advertising Domination

The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "What are the details of the deal OpenAI and Apple made to put ChatGPT on every iPhone for FREE?"

Our Answer: A lot of people are wondering the same thing: "What's in it for Apple and OpenAI?" Well, according to Bloomberg, neither company is expecting to make bank off this partnership right off the bat.

In fact, Apple isn't even cutting OpenAI a check, and OpenAI isn't paying Apple either. Instead, Apple is betting that putting OpenAI's name and tech in front of its massive user base - we're talking hundreds of millions of devices - is worth more than any cash they could throw at them.

Finally, it seems Apple's got its eyes on the future. They're looking to score some revenue-sharing deals with AI companies, so they can get a slice of the pie when these AI partners generate revenue using their distribution.

Tool to Try

Buglab is a no-code automated visual testing platform that helps you detect UI/UX issues and bugs in websites, platforms, and web apps. By automating the testing process, Buglab enables developers and QA teams to accelerate development. It's a great tool for anyone looking to deliver pixel-perfect websites and applications.

AI Tool Highlights:

🖱️ No-Code Testing: Buglab allows users to simulate any kind of user action with just a few clicks, without writing a single line of code, making it easy for non-technical team members to contribute to the testing process.

📸 Visual Comparison: The platform automatically takes screenshots of your website and compares them to the baseline, highlighting any discrepancies or bugs, ensuring that your website changes are not causing any unintended issues.

🗓️ Scheduled Tests: Group your tests into logical suites and projects, and schedule them at different intervals, allowing you to automate the testing process and receive notifications when discrepancies are found.

💰 Cost Savings: By detecting UI/UX bugs early in the development process, Buglab helps businesses avoid costly errors that can lead to lost revenue and customers, as demonstrated by the real-world example of an e-commerce business losing 30% of its profits due to a faulty checkout.

🚀 Accelerated Development: With Buglab automating the testing process, developers and QA teams can focus on critical aspects of their business, accelerating development and ensuring client-facing software quality effortlessly.

🌐 Comprehensive Testing: Buglab enables users to create suitable test sequences to ensure that website changes do not cause any bugs or functionality issues, providing a comprehensive testing solution for businesses of all sizes.

Try Buglab Now

One More Need to Know News Story

Intuit Mailchimp Previews New AI-Powered System

Mailchimp’s revenue intelligence will soon deploy Intuit’s powerful and relevant data through cutting-edge AI. The tech will benchmark customers’ marketing against billions of industry-specific financial inputs from Intuit QuickBooks and marketing performance data points. Plus, recommend the right time to target customers, and generate more personalized and revenue-driving content. 

"Predicting what will spur different customers to explore, to spend, and stay loyal remains one of the most complicated challenges for marketers—and simultaneously one of their biggest growth opportunities," said Rania Succar, SVP and General Manager of Mailchimp.

"By building on our AI-driven innovations within Intuit’s data-rich platform, our customers can make smarter, more integrated business decisions that simultaneously grow their customer base and put more money in their pockets."

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🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder


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The AI Marketers

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