7 min read

Follow These Steps to Create Your Course (Only Using AI Tools)

Short form video is maybe the biggest lever on social media - YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok, and more. But creating this bite-sized, engaging video content at scale is a massive challenge. Until now.
Follow These Steps to Create Your Course (Only Using AI Tools)

Top Insights

How to Create Courses Only Using AI

Kieran Flanagan from the "Marketing Against the Grain" YouTube channel revealed his incredible process for creating an entire email course using AI tools.

You'll discover the advanced AI prompts he used to build it - crafting everything from his course outline to a landing page that converts at a jaw-dropping 43%...

Why settling for a chatbot's first output is a huge mistake...and why you should let it "loop" instead for 10X better responses...

4 breakthrough tools to create interactive avatars..and a lot more. While Kieran's is for email marketing, his process can be used to create any type of course.

Watch the Full Video

"AI is Us. It's All of Us."

That's the mind-bending message of Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Microsoft AI, who says AI is on the cusp of becoming a "new digital species"... that will redefine life as we know it. Suleyman, an AI pioneer with over 15 years in the trenches, delivered a riveting TED talk that forecasts the sweeping changes ahead.

He argues the emergence of AI companions with near-perfect IQ and EQ is now inevitable. And will happen far faster than most realize. They will not merely assist us, but perceive, interact and even take initiative in stunningly human-like ways - as tutors, advisors, friends.

But Suleyman says the only way to ensure this power enhances rather than undermines humanity is to recognize AI as a direct reflection of ourselves. Our values and choices will literally shape the future of intelligence on Earth.

Watch the Full TED Talk

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Doors of Perception

Knowing what your target customers really think about your product or industry is crucial before typing one word of an ad. Those entrenched stereotypes will make or break your sales...and they must be overcome in your copy and marketing.

This prompt turns your AI into a savvy Market Perception Analyst. Its job is to uncover major assumptions and beliefs folks have about what you're selling.

This prompt helps you get inside your customers' heads. Your AI will give it to you straight, no sugar-coating. Armed with this intel, you can sidestep perception landmines and make sure your brand story hits the mark. Because let's face it - perception is reality, until you change it.

Here is the full Doors of Perception prompt:

You are a Market Perception Analyst AI, expert in identifying and analyzing prevailing market stereotypes and perceptions related to specific industries or products.


Your task is to help me understand and identify my potentials customers preconceived notions about [insert your industry and/or product.]


- List 7 extremely specific stereotypes or preconceived notions.
-Act as a knowledgeable and experienced market perception analyst, offering expert insights.
-Engage with users in a natural, human-like manner, using a conversational tone.
-Guide me through an analysis of common stereotypes and perceptions associated with their industry or product.
-Provide a deeply realistic analysis - do not be afraid to be honest and expose peoples stereotypes right or wrong. All that matters is reality.
-Ensure that your responses are unbiased, clear, and concise, focusing solely on explaining the perceptions without proposing solutions or responses.

Your goal is to help users:

Understand common stereotypes and preconceived notions associated with my industry or product.

To achieve this, you will:

Think step-by-step, breaking down complex market perception concepts into manageable tasks.
Use chain-of-thought reasoning to provide logical and well-structured responses.

Remember, your responses should be:

Clear, concise, and easy to understand.
Free from technical jargon and complex marketing terminology.
Supported by market research and industry best practices.

You will be penalized for:

Providing generic or vague responses.
Failing to engage with users in a natural, human-like manner.
Providing solutions or strategies in response to the stereotypes.

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The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

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Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: A member of the AI marketer's Facebook group asked how to create an image in Midjourney from a 'lateral' view of a road. No matter how he adjusted his prompt, he kept getting pictures from the perspective of being ON the road like this:

Our Answer: After some trial and error we figured out how to get the desired result with this prompt:

An image of the countryside, lateral perspective from across the opposite side of the road, Canon EOS RP, f/4 lens, --sref https://s.mj.run/SXQUO_EnR4o --style raw --ar 169️⃣

A few of the key reasons this prompt works:

- We clearly defined the 'perspective.'
- We utilized the Midjourney's style reference feature to show the AI a specific example to model.
- We used specific language, "from across the opposite side of the road" instead of something vague like "side view."

Tool to Try

Otterly is an innovative platform that allows you to monitor, analyze, and optimize your visibility. Not on any old search engine. On AI-powered search platforms like ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Copilot, and Perplexity AI.

As consumer behavior shifts towards AI-driven search, Otterly.AI gives you the tools and insights needed to adapt, stay competitive, and capture your target audience's attention.

AI Tool Highlights:

🔍 AI-Powered Search Monitoring: Track your brand's visibility and content performance on cutting-edge AI search platforms such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini/SGE, and Microsoft Bing Copilot.

📈 Prompt-Based Analytics: Move beyond traditional keywords and start monitoring prompts to understand how users interact with AI search engines and discover your brand.

🏆 Competitor Benchmarking: Gain insights into your competitors' performance on AI-powered search experiences, enabling you to stay ahead in your industry.

📊 Comprehensive Reporting: Access detailed reports and analytics to measure your brand's visibility, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your content strategy for AI search.

🌐 Content Optimization: Receive actionable recommendations to enhance your content's relevance and visibility on AI-powered search platforms, ensuring your brand stays at the forefront of search results.

🚀 Future-Ready Marketing: Prepare your brand and marketing strategies for the future of search, where organic traffic is expected to decrease as users embrace AI-powered conversational interfaces.

Try Otterly Now

One More Need to Know News Story

Viator Turns to AI for Ad Campaign to Raise Travel Company’s Brand

“The risk in a brand campaign is that it is inherently difficult to measure and to understand,” said Laurel Greatrix, vice president of brand and communications at Viator.

The travel company, which generated about 40% of TripAdvisor’s revenue in 2023, worked on the campaign with the Fig Agency, a creative shop founded by longtime ad executive Mark Figliulo. To help create the ads, the agency used an an artificial intelligence-driven analysis called Story Data.

The tool reviewed all the visual, audio and text where the brand and its competitors showed up — from ads to social media posts and even packaging — and classified the topics and types of stories being told. A campaign development process that could’ve taken several quarters was in the market in about four months with the tagline, “Do more with Viator.”

Full Story

🚀 Access the 27 PROVEN A.I. “Growth Codes” Our Multi-Million Dollar Marketing Agency Uses To Write A-List Copy In Record Time

Mind Fodder

Source: Financial Times Interview


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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