7 min read

3 New Prompts to Make AI Sound More Human

Sick of ChatGPT sounding like a robot? Enter "A More Human AI" - a trio of prompts that transform robotic responses into engaging, persuasive prose.
3 New Prompts to Make AI Sound More Human

Top Insights

26 Incredible Use Cases for the New GPT-4o

The arrival of GPT-4o ushers in a new era of impressive AI capabilities. From simulating debates to diagnosing medical conditions, this new model is a more of a multitasking maven than ever before.

Visualize data in unique ways, like mapping Google Trends to an epic rap battle timeline. Or let GPT-4o be your witty word weaver, crafting clever tales and songs on the fly. Need a digital Dungeon Master? Done. A tutor to illuminate confusing concepts? GPT-4o even lends a helping eye to the vision impaired.

Check out Ad Advantage's latest YouTube video to discover some of the most remarkable uses cases of OpenAI's latest release.

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The SEO landscape is undergoing a seismic shift thanks to AI. Predictive algorithms are forecasting emerging trends, giving savvy marketers a competitive edge. Machine learning is uncovering hidden user behavior insights from vast datasets. AI-generated content is engaging readers while optimizing for search rankings. But hyper-personalized experiences, automated technical audits, and real-time optimization opportunities are just the beginning.

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Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: A More Human AI

One of the biggest obstacles people face with AI is making it sound human.

Enter "A More Human AI" - a trio of prompts that transform robotic responses into engaging, natural language. (courtesy of the r/ArtificialInteligence subreddit)

By leveraging advanced linguistics and the power of "burstiness," these prompts enable AI to craft writing that reads like it came from an actual person - not a machine.

You can add any of these prompts into existing prompts for better chatbot responses. Ones that build genuine rapport, resonate on an emotional level, and instill that "human touch" so much AI-written copy lacks.

Here are the full prompts:

1. Using Dependency Grammer:

Use the dependency grammar linguistic framework to craft a [ARTICLE/POST/BLOG/ETC.]. The idea is that the closer together each pair of words you’re connecting are, the easier the copy will be to comprehend. Here is the topic and additional details: [TITLE] [DETAILS]

2. Burstiness and Perplexity:

When it comes to writing content, two factors are crucial, "perplexity" and "burstiness." Perplexity measures the complexity of text. Separately, burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. AI sentences tend to be more uniform. Therefore, when writing the following content I am going to ask you to create, I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness. Here is the topic and additional details: [TITLE] [DETAILS]

3. Assign Role to AI:

You are an expert copywriter with massive experience in business writings. Please write a 500-word piece written on the following topic:


Write the text in the following voice:
Simple with no jargon
In the tone of an advisor
Using the second person
Using anecdotes and metaphors without trite phrases and without obvious ideas

For a full explanation of how these prompts work and how to use them, check out the original reddit post we curated them from.

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The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

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Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "I heard that 'post-training' is more important than 'pre-training' for building LLMs like ChatGPT. What's the difference between the two and why do they matter?"

Our Answer: Pre-training is all about laying the foundation. It's where the AI model is exposed to a massive amount of text data to learn the nuances of language, grammar, and general knowledge. This stage is crucial for setting up the model's base capabilities and ensuring it has a broad understanding of how language works.

But the real game-changer is the post-training phase, also known as "fine-tuning." During fine-tuning, the AI model is refined and specialized to excel at specific tasks or domains. It learns to understand context better and generate highly relevant, accurate responses.

What's really cool is that post-training involves supervised learning, where human feedback is used to correct and enhance the model's outputs. This human touch ensures that the AI's responses are not only accurate and coherent but also appropriate for various contexts.

So, while pre-training sets the stage with broad language skills, post-training is where the AI truly learns to shine in practical applications.

Tool to Try

ManyExcel is an AI-powered platform designed to streamline and automate various tasks in Excel and Google Sheets. It allows you to generate formulas, regular expressions (regex), VBA scripts, and Apps Scripts with simple text input-significantly enhancing your productivity and efficiency.

AI Tool Highlights:

  📊 AI Formula Generator: Converts plain text into complex formulas for Excel and Google Sheets, providing clear explanations to help you understand the generated formulas.

🔍 AI Regex Generator: Transforms text instructions into regular expressions (regex) and offers detailed explanations to deepen your understanding of regex patterns.

🤖 AI Script Generator: Automatically creates VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripts for Excel and Apps Scripts for Google Workspace, enabling you to automate and streamline repetitive tasks.

📈 Data Analysis Tool: Allows you to interact with their Excel files, analyze data, extract insights, visualize data through interactive charts, and more, using simple text commands.

💻 Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supports both Excel and Google Sheets, enabling you to generate formulas, scripts, and regex patterns seamlessly across different platforms and environments.

📥 File Upload Integration: Allows you to upload their Excel files directly to the platform, enabling seamless data analysis, visualization, and generation of formulas or scripts based on the file's contents.

Try ManyExcel

One More Need to Know News Story

Google I/O 2024: Here’s Everything Google just announced

Google kicked off its I/O developer conference with a torrent of AI announcements that both dazzled and overwhelmed. The company unveiled upgrades to its Gemini AI system like multimodal interaction via Gemini Live, long context window support in Gemini 1.5 Pro, and robust AI assistance across apps like Gmail, Maps and Workspace.

Source: Techcrunch

While each reveal was promising, the sheer volume felt like drinking from a firehose. Google also showed AI-powered search enhancements, a 27B parameter Gemma 2 model, on-device AI for threat detection and even an AI-generated movie description generator for Google TV.

Full Story

🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder

"The bitter lesson of AI is that more data is what works. Over the course of 80 years, top-down directed explicit AI efforts, where you're trying to teach a machine the laws of physics or common sense, have not worked. The breakthroughs since 2012 have been due to giant data sets.

For example, image recognition started working because AI could be trained on a vast set of internet images. Similarly, self-driving cars improved because they were trained on large amounts of real-world driving data. The more data an AI system has, the better it performs, adapting to various real-world scenarios."​

– Marc Andreessen


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The AI Marketers

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