Monday Memo

A Byte of Knowledge
David Ogilvy was legendary for his bottomless energy, ironclad discipline, and courage to defy conventional wisdom. But one trait above all others defined the advertising titan.
"Ogilvy's secret was an inquiring mind," wrote biographer Kenneth Roman. “In conversation, he never pontificated; he interrogated.”
Curiosity isn't just the hallmark of Ogilvy's brilliance, it's a cornerstone of success for many luminaries.
Albert Einstein said, “I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious.”
And the prolific English writer Samuel Johnson believed, “Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.”
AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Claude are the ultimate tools for cultivating and amplifying human curiosity.
Yes, they put the world’s knowledge and wisdom at your fingertips. So did Google and other search engines though.
Chatbots are a genuine intellectual sparring partner.
Unlike search, conversing with an AI system allows for back-and-forth dialogue.
The chatbot can respond to follow-up questions, clarify points, and even challenge your assumptions.
You can go as deep as your curiosity takes you.
But you must have it in the first place.
Something to Ponder
Thanks to AI, it's never been easier to start a business. Tools like chatbots and Midjourney are allowing anyone to create content, design logos, and design websites.
No-code platforms like Bubble and Webflow are empowering everyday people to develop apps and software without writing a single line of code.
No matter what industry you’re in, a swarm of cutthroat competitors are about to invade.
That’s why knowing how to market and sell will be more important than ever.
It always has been, but in an AI-powered world, it will be the difference between life and death.
The companies that rise to the top will be the ones able to communicate what makes them different and new. The ones who can tell an unforgettable story about their brand. The ones who intimately understand their customers hopes, dreams, and fears.
In a world where anyone can enter the arena, marketing becomes your first and last line of defense.
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We Asked – AI Answered
Our Question:
"How does TikTok's strategy of amplifying the reach of new users' first few videos psychologically influence those users to continue posting content? Tell me ONE little-known reason this works so well to get people hooked on the platform."
ChatGPT's Answer:
One of the main reasons this strategy works is the The Zeigarnik Effect.
Named after Soviet psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, it suggests that individuals remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones.
This phenomenon occurs because unfinished tasks create a form of cognitive tension or mental discomfort, leading to increased mental engagement and retention. In a business context, especially on platforms like TikTok, this effect can be leveraged to boost user engagement.
When a user experiences initial success (like high viewership on their first videos), it sets an expectation of future success. If subsequent videos don't achieve similar success, the user perceives these as "unfinished business" or an unmet goal, creating a cognitive tension.
This tension acts as a motivator, driving the user to produce more content in an effort to replicate their initial success and thus "complete the task" to relieve this tension.
The intermittent and unpredictable nature of social media success keeps this cycle going, as the goal of consistently high viewership remains ever elusive, yet seemingly attainable, keeping users hooked on the platform.
Thanks for reading the Monday Memo.
Until next time!
The AI Marketers
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