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Monday Memo

As you may know, we're big fans of using the "dial method" with AI chatbots. This is when you follow up a chatbot's response with a "dial" prompt to get an instant, superior response. For example...
Monday Memo

A Byte of Knowledge

As you may know, we're big fans of using the "dial method" with AI chatbots. This is when you follow up a chatbot's response with a "dial" prompt to get an instant, superior response. For example,

"On a scale of 1-10, 10 being A+ persuasive copy, this is a 6. Please rewrite it at a level 9."

The "dial method" works so well because it provides the AI with clear, quantitative feedback. By rating the output and specifying the target level, you give the AI specific guidance on how much it needs to improve.

Asking it to turn up its persuasiveness or other qualities makes the process of iterating and improving outputs feel intuitive for the AI. It's like you're directing the AI to access more of its inherent capabilities, rather than just instructing it to "do better."

Checkout some proven variations of the "dial method" you can use to exponentially improve your chatbot responses:

  1. Tone Adjustment: "On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is extremely formal, this response feels like a 4. Please rewrite at a level 8."
  2. Detail Level: "On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is highly detailed and thorough, this explanation is at a 5. Please rewrite at a level 9."
  3. Urgency in Sales Copy: "On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is highly urgent and compelling, this sales copy message is at a 4. Please rewrite at a level 8."
  4. Technical Complexity: "On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is very technical, this analysis is at a 2. Please rewrite at a level 7."
  5. Emotional Intensity: "On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being very emotional, this speech is at a 4. Please rewrite at a level 8."

Something to Ponder

If you feel like you're "late" to AI, you're not. Even the second-largest company in the world was caught off guard by the artificial intelligence boom.

As we shared last week, recent reports suggest that Apple is scrambling to play catch-up. The tech company is potentially partnering with Google or OpenAI to power AI features on the next iPhones.

For context, Apple has a $30 billion R&D budget. Yet, they're turning to their biggest competitors to ensure they don’t get left behind.

This just goes to show that the AI revolution has been so rapid and disruptive that even the tech giants weren't fully prepared. If one of the most innovative and resource-rich companies in the world is playing catch-up, there's no reason for smaller businesses or individuals to feel like they've missed the boat.

AI is still in its early stages. You could make a solid argument we're not even in the first inning. Instead, we're just getting through player introductions.

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The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

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We Asked – AI Answered

Our Question: 

“What psychological factors drive consumers willingness to emotionally invest in and even pay for experiences that they know are fake? Phenomena like professional wrestling (WWE), haunted houses, and reality TV shows.

Could you delve into the underlying psychological motivations and needs that these types of experiences fulfill for individuals, even when they're aware of their lack of authenticity?"

ChatGPT's Answer:

Suspension of Disbelief

This is a term coined by poet and aesthetic philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge. When consumers engage with entertainment, they willingly enter a state of mind where they temporarily set aside their skepticism and accept the fictional world as if it were real.

By suspending their disbelief, consumers can experience the thrill and excitement of the crafted narrative without constantly reminding themselves of its artificiality. This ability to "buy into" the created reality enhances their overall enjoyment and engagement, as they become active participants in the unfolding drama.


In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, many individuals turn to entertainment as a means of escaping their everyday lives. Engaging with fabricated realities provides a much-needed break from the demands and pressures of work, relationships, and personal responsibilities.

When consumers watch reality TV shows or attend haunted houses, they can temporarily leave behind their own concerns and vicariously experience the lives and emotions of others.

Curiosity and Unpredictability

The element of unpredictability is a powerful hook that keeps consumers engaged and invested in the entertainment.

In reality TV shows, for example, the unpredictable nature of the competitions, eliminations, and interpersonal dynamics keeps viewers tuning in each week to see how the story progresses.

Similarly, in WWE wrestling, the anticipation of shocking betrayals, unexpected alliances, and high-stakes matches maintains fan interest and enthusiasm. The desire to satisfy their curiosity and witness the resolution of cliffhangers or dramatic arcs keeps consumers coming back for more.

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Catharsis and Emotional Release

Engaging with dramatic and emotionally charged entertainment provides consumers with a cathartic experience, allowing them to safely experience and release strong emotions.

When consumers watch a wrestling match or attend a haunted house, they can vicariously experience intense feelings such as excitement, fear, or anticipation without the real-world risks or consequences. This emotional release can be psychologically satisfying and even therapeutic, as it allows individuals to confront and process their own emotions in a controlled setting.

Social Bonding

Engaging with popular entertainment, even if it is known to be fabricated, provides opportunities for social bonding and shared experiences. Discussing the latest plot twists, predicting outcomes, or debating character decisions with friends, family, or online communities fosters a sense of belonging and connection. These shared experiences create a common ground for social interaction and strengthen interpersonal relationships.


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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