5 min read

Monday Memo

Why you should assume your customers are smarter than you...the power of AI pattern recognition...and why we love drama.
Monday Memo

A Byte of Knowledge

This one belief will make you far more effective than most other marketers: assume your customers are smarter than you.

Why? Because it forces you to up your game.

If you're starting from a point where your customers know their stuff...do their due diligence on your competitors...and have high expectations...

Then you can't coast by on hype and tricks.

You've got to truly understand your market, get inside their heads, and figure out what really matters to them.

You have to craft your messaging with extreme care and precision, backing up every claim with ironclad proof. You've got to show them unbeatable value.

In short, you have to earn their business by being the best damn solution to their problems, period.

It's more work, but it's a path to real, lasting success.

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Something to Ponder

AI just hit a new milestone...

Predicting breast cancer 5 years before it develops.

That's the power of AI pattern recognition.

And it's not just healthcare. AI is already forecasting stock prices, consumer trends, and a lot more.

You must start thinking about how AI's predictive power will transform YOUR industry and business.

Emerging threats or shifting regulations?

Untapped opportunities like underserved market niches?

Growing pains like supply chain bottlenecks or staffing shortages?

Hidden connections such as partnerships or cross-industry influences?

Imagine having that kind of foresight at your fingertips...

You could make proactive pivots instead of reactive scrambles.

Sounds almost unfair.

But this is the direction we're headed.

We Asked – AI Answered

Our Question: 

"Why is 'drama' such an effective way to garner attention? For example reality TV, UFC fighters talking smack before a fight, and hot takes on sports debate shows."

ChatGPT's Answer:

Emotional Engagement

  • Human Nature: Humans are naturally drawn to emotional stimuli. Drama evokes strong emotions such as excitement, anger, or empathy, making it highly engaging.
    • Emotional Peaks: The highs and lows of dramatic narratives create emotional peaks that keep viewers invested. These peaks can be moments of triumph, defeat, surprise, or revelation.
  • Mirror Neurons: These brain cells fire when we see someone else experiencing emotions, making us feel as though we are part of the action. This empathetic response increases our emotional investment in the drama.
    • Empathy and Connection: When we see a character or person in a dramatic situation, our brains respond as if we were experiencing those emotions ourselves, deepening our connection to the narrative.

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Conflict and Resolution

  • Narrative Structure: Our brains are wired to seek resolution. Drama typically involves a conflict that we instinctively want to see resolved, keeping us hooked.
    • Dramatic Arc: The classic narrative structure of rising action, climax, and resolution is inherently satisfying to the human brain. We crave the conclusion that ties the story together.
  • Suspense and Anticipation: The uncertainty and anticipation in dramatic situations activate the brain's reward system, releasing dopamine, which keeps us engaged. This suspenseful build-up makes the resolution more satisfying.
    • Unpredictability: The element of unpredictability in drama heightens our focus and attention, as we constantly try to anticipate what will happen next.

Cognitive Engagement

  • Mental Stimulation: Drama often involves complex scenarios that challenge our thinking and problem-solving skills. This cognitive engagement keeps our minds active and invested.
    • Intellectual Curiosity: Dramatic stories often present puzzles or mysteries that pique our intellectual curiosity, driving us to seek answers and understand the underlying causes.
  • Pattern Recognition: Humans are natural pattern-seekers. Drama provides a rich tapestry of patterns and predictions, keeping our brains actively engaged as we try to anticipate outcomes.
    • Predictive Processing: Our brains continuously make predictions about future events. Drama, with its twists and turns, constantly challenges these predictions, keeping us mentally engaged.

Gossip and Social Interaction

  • Conversation Starter: Dramatic events and personalities provide easy topics for conversation, helping to foster social bonds. This shared interest can enhance relationships and create a sense of community.
    • Common Ground: Discussing dramatic events or characters provides a common ground for interaction, making it easier for people to connect and communicate.
  • Shared Experience: Watching and discussing drama creates a sense of community and shared experience among viewers. This communal engagement can strengthen social ties and enhance collective enjoyment.
    • Collective Memory: Shared dramatic experiences contribute to collective memory, creating a sense of belonging and shared history among groups.

Social Learning

  • Behavioral Models: Drama often portrays a range of behaviors and consequences, offering viewers opportunities to learn from the experiences of others. This social learning can influence real-life decisions and actions.
    • Vicarious Learning: Observing characters navigate challenges and consequences allows viewers to learn vicariously, applying these lessons to their own lives.
  • Moral and Ethical Reflection: Dramatic narratives frequently involve moral dilemmas and ethical questions, prompting viewers to reflect on their own values and beliefs.
    • Ethical Decision-Making: Engaging with complex moral scenarios in drama can enhance viewers' ability to navigate ethical decisions in their own lives.


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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