5 min read

Monday Memo

Why prompt engineering is a lot like getting in shape...Bill Bernbach on creativity...and how freemium business models work for mobile games.
Monday Memo

A Byte of Knowledge

Getting in shape is no cakewalk.

You gotta hit the gym day in and day out. Pumping iron, pounding the treadmill, watching what you eat. It's a serious commitment.

But once you've built that foundation of strength and discipline?

It pays off big time.

Suddenly, everyday tasks become a breeze. Hauling groceries, playing with your kids, tackling that weekend honey-do list.

Well, creating and using AI prompts is a lot like getting in shape.

It takes dedication upfront - research, experimentation, and fine-tuning to get your it just right.

But once you've got a stockpile of killer prompts at your fingertips?

Now you have an AI-powered cheat code.

Need a blog post? There's a prompt for that.

New ad hook? There's a prompt for that.

A quick proofreading of your copy? There's a prompt for that.

The heavy lifting is already done. Now you're just maintaining your "prompt fitness" and reaping the rewards.

So don't put off the work when it comes to prompt engineering.

Build your prompt muscles now.

Then, enjoy the 10-fold strength and efficiency they bring to your productivity and output later.

This is your last chance to grab a spot to the "AI Avatar Machine" - our newest 3-day AI virtual workshop. Registration closes at 11:59PM Pacific TONIGHT.

That gives you just a few hours to get your name on the list. Don't miss your opportunity to uncover 6+ months of intense, CIA-level insights into your prospects minds...in a matter of minutes using AI.

And the chance to turn complete strangers into die-hard buyers for life.

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Something to Ponder

As his agency (DDB) grew, Bill Bernbach feared falling into the trap of bigness - worshipping techniques over substance and being drowned by superficialities.

He emphasized that while technical skill is important, it should not be mistaken for creative ability.

The real danger lies in hiring routinized men with advertising formulas, resulting in work that blends in rather than stands out.

Bernbach found it appalling how few writers and artists from major agencies were genuinely creative.

They had advertising know-how and were up on technique.

But beneath that was a sameness, a mental weariness, a mediocrity of ideas

To advance, he believed the agency had to develop a distinctive personality, champion their own philosophy, and blaze new trails.

Bernbach's mission was to prove that good taste, art, and writing could sell effectively. He wanted to zealously guard the agency's creative spirit, staying hungry for innovative ideas that move people to act .

We Asked – AI Answered

Our Question: 

"Many successful mobile games, like Candy Crush and Pokémon Go, use the 'freemium' model, offering the game for free but charging for in-app purchases. Analyze the psychological mechanics behind this pricing strategy and its effectiveness in driving revenue."

AI's Answer:

The 'freemium' pricing model has unlocked a treasure trove of monetization potential, keeping players engaged and eager to spend.

Key Psychological Principles

Loss Aversion

• By offering the game for free, players feel no risk in trying it out, as they have nothing to lose.

• Examples: Clash of Clans and Candy Crush have amassed millions of players by offering free entry into their engaging worlds

Endowed Progress Effect

• As players invest time and effort into the game, they develop a strong attachment to their in-game progress and achievements

• This psychological ownership makes them more likely to make in-app purchases to accelerate their advancement or protect their investment

• Example: Candy Crush strategically offers boosters and extra moves to help players overcome challenging levels, capitalizing on their desire to safeguard their progress

Habit Formation

• Freemium games excel at creating addictive game loops and rewarding feedback, fostering a powerful compulsion loop

• As players repeatedly engage with the game, they develop a habitual craving for the enjoyment and satisfaction it provides

• Example: Pokémon Go encourages players to continuously buy Poké Balls, Lure Modules, and other items to keep catching Pokémon and leveling up, reinforcing the habit loop

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Social Proof

• When players observe their friends or other gamers making in-app purchases, it normalizes the behavior and provides an implicit endorsement of the value of these purchases

• This social validation is particularly effective when combined with features like leaderboards or collaborative challenges, where players feel compelled to keep up with their peers

• Example: Clash of Clans allows players to join clans and compete against other groups, fostering a sense of community and encouraging in-app purchases to contribute to the clan's success

Artificial Scarcity and FOMO

• Freemium games often employ limited-time events, exclusive items, and special discounts to create a sense of urgency and scarcity

• This psychological pressure taps into our innate desire to avoid regret and can significantly boost in-app purchases as players strive to obtain these fleeting opportunities

• Example: Fortnite masterfully utilizes seasonal battle passes and exclusive skins that are only available for a limited time, compelling players to purchase them before they disappear forever

Effectiveness in Driving Revenue

The freemium model's effectiveness in driving revenue stems from several key factors:

• By eliminating barriers to entry, freemium games maximize their top-of-funnel audience, attracting a vast pool of potential paying customers

• Players who choose to make in-app purchases demonstrate higher intent and engagement, resulting in better conversion rates compared to traditional pay-to-play models

• Freemium games can identify and cater to "whales" – high-value players who are willing to spend significant amounts on in-game purchases, generating a disproportionate share of revenue

• The model aligns developer incentives with creating an engaging and enjoyable gaming experience, as the game's success relies on attracting and retaining players, leading to more opportunities for in-app purchases

• In-app purchases, especially consumable ones, provide a recurring revenue stream that can be sustained as long as players remain engaged with the game


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

P.S. Your invitation to the "AI Avatar Machine" workshop expires at 11:59PM Pacific TONIGHT. We would hate for you to miss out…

Because there’s no skill in marketing more valuable than truly understanding your prospects...at a deeper level than they understand themselves…

Giving you the chance to turn complete strangers into die-hard buyers for life.

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