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Need to Know News (Special GPT-4o Edition)

The release of GPT-4o has taken over the AI world. What's the difference? What can you do with ChatGPT now? What are experts first impressions? Let's dive in.
Need to Know News (Special GPT-4o Edition)

In this week's Need to Know News edition...the release of GPT-4o has taken over the AI world. What's the difference? What can you do with ChatGPT now? What are experts first impressions? Let's dive in.

First, the essentials...

GPT-4o is OpenAI's new top-of-the-line AI model. The "o" stands for "omni" - as in, it can handle any combo of text, audio, images, and video you throw at it.

That's right, this bad boy can see, hear, and speak. All in real-time.

What's the big deal? Couldn't ChatGPT already do that?

Kind of. But here's the key difference...

With Voice Mode, it was basically three separate AI models:

One to transcribe the audio to text.

The actual ChatGPT brain to process that text.

Another model to convert the text back into audio.

So the main ChatGPT model was missing out on a ton of important context and nuance from the original audio.

It couldn't pick up on things like tone, emotion, multiple speakers, background noise, and all the subtle cues humans use in conversation.

But GPT-4o? It's an entirely new neural network trained on audio, vision, and text inputs and outputs all at once.

Which means it can directly understand and generate speech, picking up on all those tiny details that add up to natural conversation.

In fact, this sucker can respond to audio in just 320 milliseconds on average.

Basically real-time like when you're chatting with another human.

Watch OpenAI's Full Spring Update Announcement
Source: Reddit (GPT-4o Vs Other Popular AI Models)

But what can you actually do with GPT-4o?

A few examples to tickle your marketing brain...

Do real-time voiceover work or podcast editing by speaking into GPT-4o.

Create a customer service AI assistant that can see, hear, and understand full context.

OpenAI demo of GPT-4o customer service proof of concept.

Train it on your product videos to create automated video ads.

On a post GPT-4o release interview, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman described one of the interesting ways he's using the new AI model in his everyday workflow:

"I've only had it for like a week or something um but one surprising one is putting my phone on the table while I'm like really in the zone of working and then without having to like change Windows or change what I'm doing using it as another channel. So I'm working on something I would normally like stop what I'm doing switch to another tab Google something click around or whatever.

But while I'm still doing it to just ask and get like an instant response without changing from what I was looking at on my computer that's been a surprisingly cool thing."

Listen to the Full Interview Here

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On X, AI aficionados are already showing off the upgraded power of GPT-4o.

The key thing is, with GPT-4o understanding and outputting across all those modalities, you can start exploring way more natural human-AI interfaces.

Not as much typing out queries and reading text back and forth.

Just straight conversation and interaction, like you're chatting with another person.

Except this "person" is hyper-intelligent AI that can see and understand the world.

Now don't get us wrong, GPT-4o is blazing a new trail here. There's still a ton we have to figure out in terms of what it can and can't do.

But one thing's for sure - this is a big step towards a more human-like AI.

One more important update...

With the release of GPT-4o, ChatGPT free users will also now have access to advanced features such as:

  • Experience GPT-4 level intelligence 
  • Get responses(opens in a new window) from both the model and the web  
  • Analyze data(opens in a new window) and create charts 
  • Chat about photos you take
  • Upload files(opens in a new window) for assistance summarizing, writing or analyzing
  • Discover and use GPTs and the GPT Store
  • Build a more helpful experience with Memory

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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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