
MIT Scientists Unveil "Chain of Destiny" AI Prompt

MIT Scientists Unveil "Chain of Destiny" AI Prompt

It's not only ChatGPT. All chatbots from Google’s Bard to Claude 2 make up sources, facts, and statistics out of thin air. The worst part is they spit them back at you with complete conviction.
7 min read
How to Dig Up Marketing Gold on Reddit (Using AI)

How to Dig Up Marketing Gold on Reddit (Using AI)

It's not only ChatGPT. All chatbots from Google’s Bard to Claude 2 make up sources, facts, and statistics out of thin air. The worst part is they spit them back at you with complete conviction.
7 min read
5-Figure A Month "AI Mug" Side Hustle

5-Figure A Month "AI Mug" Side Hustle

It's not only ChatGPT. All chatbots from Google’s Bard to Claude 2 make up sources, facts, and statistics out of thin air. The worst part is they spit them back at you with complete conviction.
7 min read
Getting Started with Claude AI (and how it's different from ChatGPT)

Getting Started with Claude AI (and how it's different from ChatGPT)

It's not only ChatGPT. All chatbots from Google’s Bard to Claude 2 make up sources, facts, and statistics out of thin air. The worst part is they spit them back at you with complete conviction.
7 min read
ChatGPT Is A Liar - How to Make AI Tell the Truth

ChatGPT Is A Liar - How to Make AI Tell the Truth

It's not only ChatGPT. All chatbots from Google’s Bard to Claude 2 make up sources, facts, and statistics out of thin air. The worst part is they spit them back at you with complete conviction.
8 min read
Will AI Replace 80% of Copywriters? (Stefan's New Prediction)

Will AI Replace 80% of Copywriters? (Stefan's New Prediction)

Eight months ago, Stefan Georgi made a divisive prediction no copywriter could ignore. For some, it filled them with new-found motivation. Others were left terrified and wondering if a career change was in order.
6 min read
4 Charts Show AI Progress Won't Slow Anytime Soon

4 Charts Show AI Progress Won't Slow Anytime Soon

“The single most important thing to understand about AI is how fast it is moving" - Dario Amodei, CEO of Anthropic, the creators of chatbot Claude 2.
6 min read

Stefan Writes A TV Script (Using these AI Tools)

In a behind the scenes 30 minute video, Stefan puts his AI enhanced writing skills to the test and creates his own episode of Black Mirror.
7 min read

How Perry Belcher Wrote 5 Million Words in 15 Hours Using AI

6 Skills You Need to Become an Expert Prompt Engineer
6 min read

Uh oh...Is ChatGPT Getting Worse?

6 Skills You Need to Become an Expert Prompt Engineer
8 min read