7 min read

Stefan Writes A TV Script (Using these AI Tools)

In a behind the scenes 30 minute video, Stefan puts his AI enhanced writing skills to the test and creates his own episode of Black Mirror.

Top Insights

Can ChatGPT Write A Black Mirror Episode?

Black Mirror is an anthology series that explores the dark and often dystopian aspects of modern society and technology. A few months ago, the show's creator Charlie Brooker attempted to use ChatGPT to write an episode. The verdict? Not great, with Brooker saying the script "reads plausibly, but on second glance, is sh**."

As someone who uses AI to write copious amounts of high level sales copy (100k+ words per month), Stefan Georgi was skeptical of this claim. And with the current Hollywood strike leaving most production companies devoid of screenwriters, he figured it was a good time to revisit this question.

In a behind the scenes 30 minute video, Stefan puts his AI enhanced writing skills to the test and creates his own episode of Black Mirror.

Watch as he uses AI tools like ChatbotUI to uncover the show's most captivating themes and characters...AgentGPT to generate story ideas...Claude 2 to build an outline, analyze past scripts, and write a new one...

Plus a ton more epic AI insights.

Watch the Full Video

Midjourney 101 - Getting Started With This Powerful AI Art Tool

Out of the thousands of new AI tools being released every week, Midjourney is one of the most mind boggling and useful. From a simple text command, Midjourney generates images of whatever your imagination can manifest. It turns any marketer or business owner into an artist with the power to create logos, ads, and apparel designs. The possibilities are endless.

But there's a problem. Getting started on the platform is pretty confusing. And the company doesn't provide very clear instructions either. That's why Damon Niquet created an easy-to-follow, nine step guide on getting started with Midjourney.

Even if you're completely tech-illiterate, Damon's tutorial can have you making images of Taylor Swift riding a unicorn in as little as ten minutes. For a detailed overview of Midjourney and why it's a must-use tool for AI marketers...

Read the Guide

For an even further in-depth walkthrough of getting started with the Midjourney platform...watch Damon's video tutorial

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This week's prompts come courtesy of AI growth specialist Moritz Kremb. And they will help you craft a head-turning bio for your social media profiles. Which in today's world...is one of the first touch points of your sales funnel and should NOT be overlooked.

We've included the prompts below, but recommend you take a look at Moritz's X (formerly Twitter) thread on using these prompts effectively.

Prompt #1
Help me create an empathy map for my target audience: [enter target audience].Then use the JTBD famework to map out the goals and aspirations for my target audience.

Prompt #2

Analyze the Twitter bios below and break them down into a blueprint that I can follow to write my own bio.

Then condense the blueprint to 3 questions that should be answered to craft your own bio. Twitter bios:

[copy/paste Twitter bios]

Prompt #3

Give me 5 unique bios that I could use for my Twitter profile. Use simple language and strong words, but don't oversell it.

The bio should be 3 very succinct sentences and answer the following 3 questions:

[Copy questions previous prompt generated]

Here's an example that will give you more context about me:

[Insert your own answers to the questions]

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: “How can I use AI to create a voice guide to write for personality-driven emails for clients that have a specific style?”

Our Answer: Let us show you using ChatGPT in the video below 👇

Tool to Try

Text FX by Google - Google Lab Sessions are collaborations between “visionaries from all realms of human endeavor” and the company’s latest AI technology. This week, Google released TextFX to show how generative language technologies can empower the creativity and workflows of creators.

Google’s TextFX includes 10 tools and is powered by the PaLM 2 large language model via the PALM API. Meant to help with the creative process of rappers, writers, and other wordsmiths, these tools include:

  • Simile: Create a simile about a thing or concept.
  • Explode: Break a word into similar-sounding phrases.
  • Unexpect: Make a scene more unexpected and imaginative.
  • Chain: Build a chain of semantically related items.
  • POV: Evaluate a topic through different points of view.
  • Alliteration: Curate topic-specific words that start with a chosen letter.
  • Acronym: Create an acronym using the letters of a word.
  • Fuse: Find intersections between two things
  • Scene: Generate sensory details about a scene.
  • Unfold: Slot a word into other words or phrases.

Here are some of the exciting ways we started using Text FX:

One of the more interesting features is the "POV" generator, which gives you different perspectives on a topic. We entered "AI Copywriting" and TextFX gave us viewpoints like:

"AI copywriters are only good for generating spammy, low-quality content."

"AI copywriters are the perfect writing partners for human writers."

"AI copywriters are still in their early stages and have a lot of room to improve."

In the News

Robot Reggae? Meta Releases AI Music Generator That Creates Generic-Sounding Compositions Based on Text Prompts

Meta has released AudioCraft, a new set of AI tools to generate what the tech giant claims is “high-quality, realistic audio and music from text” — for example, producing a music sequence based on the text string “electronic Jamaican reggae DJ set.”

“Imagine a professional musician being able to explore new compositions without having to play a single note on an instrument,” Meta says in a blog post about AudioCraft. “Or a small business owner adding a soundtrack to their latest video ad on Instagram with ease.”

Full Post

More AI Love From Meta

Meta made further news this week with the launch AI-powered “personas” in its services — which include Facebook and Instagram — as soon as next month. Their goal is to give users a new way to search, get recommendations, and otherwise engage with its products.

The chatbots could come with distinct personalities, including one that offers travel recommendations “in the style of a surfer” and another that speaks like Abraham Lincoln.

The imminent launch could help Meta compete on two fronts. On the one hand, built-in chatbots could be a way to boost engagement with services like Facebook and Instagram in the face of competition from the likes of TikTok. On the other, the chatbots could serve as a display of Meta’s AI capabilities as it competes with Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google’s Bard.

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The $670 A Month AI Side Hustle

Nicole Cueto, a public relations consultant based in New York has a solid side hustle as a vacation planner - with a catch. She uses ChatGPT to create dream vacations for her clients and does so in half the time it use to take her.

Cueto told CNBC she prompts the chatbot to create personalized trips for each client. For example, she asks the bot things like: "Give me a budget-conscious guide to Paris that incorporates historical neighborhoods where politicians lived in the 1880s."

The side hustle takes a total of 10 to 20 hours per week and makes her an average of $670 per month, according to documents cited and reviewed by CNBC.

Full Post

Mind Fodder

"Genesis" - a movie about robots taking over humanity - does not exist. But the trailer for it is very real. Using AI art tools like Midjourney and Runway, designer Nicolas Neubert created a gripping teaser for the faux movie. And it's not far away from a full blown hollywood level production.

Watch the Full Trailer

By pure coincidence, our copywriting community where we teach you how to use the latest AI breakthroughs to produce your BEST work FASTER...is also called Genesis.

And you can access it here.

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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

p.s. Need A-List copy delivered at unprecedented speed? Three of the world's top copywriters have joined forces and are using the power of GPT-4 to write high-converting ads, emails, and VSL's.

Discover how you and your business can leverage them at https://www.calabs.ai/ or email Stefan directly at stefan@calabs.ai.

p.p.s If you're not already a member of our free AI Marketers Facebook group, you can join our rapidly growing community here.