7 min read

[Debate] Toys "R" Us AI Ad: Yay or Nay?

Toys "R" Us just stirred up quite a buzz with their new AI-generated ad. Using Sora they've created a minute-long video that's got folks talking.
[Debate] Toys "R" Us AI Ad: Yay or Nay?

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Debate: Toys "R" Us AI Ad: Yay or Nay?

Toys "R" Us just stirred up quite a buzz with their new AI-generated ad. Using OpenAI's unreleased Sora tool, they've created a minute-long video that's got folks fired up.

It shows the company's founder as a kid dreaming up the iconic toy store. Interesting idea, right? It still took a 20-person team and hundreds of tweaks to get it right.

Now, marketers are split. Some are calling it "brilliant," while others say it's an "abysmal insult". And it sparked a larger debate about AI's role in advertising all together. The Wall Street Journal covered the controversy in full.

Why should you care? Well, it could change how you approach marketing. We're talking potential budget shifts, new creative processes, maybe even rethinking agency relationships.

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The AI Side Hustle: Outsourcing Chores to Fund Dreams

The post above recently went viral on X. AI marketer Mel Parrott's new article takes that quote flips it on its head. Forget having AI do your chores. (We already have dishwashers and laundry machines anyways.)

This is about mastering AI so you can afford to outsource those mundane tasks. By learning in-demand AI skills like copywriting or funnel optimization, you're supercharging your creativity - not replacing it. And they could be your ticket to financial freedom.

Parrott shows you how to stack these AI-powered income streams. You'll discover how to use AI TODAY no matter your skill level. The end goal? Using AI to boost your income so much that you can focus on what truly matters to you.

Read the Full Post

Prompt of the Week

An AI prompt for marketers is a text input designed to guide an AI like ChatGPT in generating creative marketing ideas and copy. It helps you leverage AI to enhance your campaigns and decision-making processes.

This Week's Feature: Auto-Review

This prompt automatically reviews and improves your copy based on a specific writing style you want to mimic.

First, it generates a draft adhering to the key characteristics of your desired writing style. Then, it rigorously scores this draft on a 1-5 scale across seven crucial areas.

For any aspect scoring below 4, "Auto-Review" initiates targeted revisions, drawing from style examples to enhance weaker sections. This cycle repeats until all scores reach 4 or above.

To use this prompt, simply include it at the bottom of any prompt that's meant to mimic a certain style of writing. (make sure to include examples of the writing style.)

Here's the full prompt:

Follow this "Auto-Review" Process:

Step #1 Initial Draft

- Generate a draft based on the initial request. 

Step #2. Self-Review and Scoring

- Score the draft on a scale of 1-5 for each characteristic and how closely it matches the [insert writing style] examples:

• Tone and voice
• Sentence structure and pacing
• Vocabulary and formality
• Stylistic elements (metaphors, analogies)
• Paragraph structure and flow
• Relevance and effectiveness of examples
• Emotional and persuasive techniques

Step #3: Improvement Cycle

- If any score is below 4, focus on improving those areas.
-Rewrite the text - referring to the writing style of the examples.
-Re-score the revised draft.
- Repeat until all scores are 4 or above.

Step #4 Final Polish

- Make a final pass to ensure cohesiveness and flow.
- Adjust for the specific content type (e.g., blog post, social media, long-form article).


- The goal of this auto-review process is to get the output copy as close to the desired [insert writing style] as possible.

🚀 These 27 A.I. “Growth Codes” Are A Shortcut to AI Advertising Domination

The same ones our multi-million dollar marketing agency uses to crank out ads, emails, advertorials, and sales letters/VSLs that turn strangers into paying customers. Legendary marketer Frank Kern even says:

"They’re able to get REALLY damn good copy… that requires minimal editing… right out of the gate. It's pretty amazing” 

Access All 27 A.I. "Growth Codes" Now

Unraveling AI

Subscriber Submitted Question: "What specific engagement metrics is TikTok's new 'AI Content Recommendations' algorithm prioritizing now? Is watch time still the dominant factor, or are comments and shares weighted more important?"

Our Answer: The algorithm is constantly evolving, and watch time remains crucial, but it's no longer the dominant factor. Comments and shares are now weighted more heavily. That indicates a focus on active engagement for sure.

The algorithm also considers:

  • Video completion rate
  • Rewatch frequency
  • Speed of engagement (how quickly users interact)
  • Follower vs. non-follower engagement

Some key changes to think about:

  1. "Stickiness" metrics: TikTok values content that prompts users to stay on the platform
  2. Creator consistency: Regular posting is rewarded more than sporadic viral hits
  3. Niche relevance: Content closely matching user interests gets boosted

To optimize:

  • Encourage comments and shares explicitly
  • Create content that sparks conversation
  • Focus on your niche to build a dedicated audience

Tool to Try

Recall is an AI-powered knowledge management tool that transforms how you interact with and retain online information. It offers intelligent summarization, automatic organization, and interconnected storage of diverse content types. This allows you to capture, process, and leverage information from across the digital landscape.

AI Tool Highlights:

🧠 Smart Summarization: Recall uses AI to generate concise summaries of various content types, including podcasts, YouTube videos, news articles, and PDFs, allowing users to quickly grasp key points without investing excessive time.

đź”— Automatic Connections: The tool creates automatic links between newly saved content and existing information in your knowledge base, facilitating the discovery of unexpected connections and sparking new ideas.

🏷️ AI-Powered Categorization: Recall employs artificial intelligence to automatically categorize saved content, eliminating the tedium of manual organization and ensuring consistent, intuitive content management.

🔄 Spaced Repetition: To enhance learning and retention, Recall incorporates spaced repetition techniques, making it easier for users to reinforce important information over time.

📱 Cross-Platform Accessibility: Available as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, and with mobile apps for iOS and Android (in beta), Recall ensures your knowledge base is always at your fingertips, regardless of the device you're using.

đź”’ Data Security and Ownership: Recall prioritizes user data protection with offline-first storage, EU-based servers, and full data

Try Recall Here

One More Need to Know News Story

Gatorade Shows Off AI Hydration Coach 

Gatorade demoed an artificial intelligence-powered AI Hydration Coach named Anna at Stagwell’s Sport Beach venue, where the brand acted as a sponsor. The assistant, trained on historical expertise from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, breaks down the science behind hydration into an easily digestible form for consumers.

Source: Marketing Drive

At Cannes Lions, Anna was available via a touch screen interface and presented as a virtual avatar wearing a shirt and blazer. Users could ask specific questions related to their hydration needs but also more lighthearted ones, like what Anna’s favorite flavor of Gatorade is. 

Full Story

🚀 These Are The EXACT A.I. “Money Mega-Prompts”  We “Paste” Into ChatGPT… To Generate NEW Clients & Customers For Hundreds Of Online Businesses!

Mind Fodder

"I just believe really deeply that the future is not going to be one AI. It's going to be a lot of AIs with a lot of different people being able to create different things. That's partially why I believe so much in open source, right?

Because I don't think that AI technology is a thing that should be kind of hoarded and kind of kept that one company gets to use it to build whatever central single product that they're building. I think if you believe that the best experience of this and the best future is going to be a lot of different AIs and a lot of different experiences that you want to get it out there in all these ways.

So part of that is building tools for creators and for users of the platform to be able to create their own almost like a UGC type AI situation, all the business stuff."

- Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta

See the Full Interview Here


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Until next time!

The AI Marketers

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